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摘要:At the meeting,he didn’t say anything save to smoke in the comer.在会上他什么都没说,只躲在角落里抽烟。He never did anything save read newspapers.他只管看报,什么都不做。6.than(1)than后面作宾语的
At the meeting,he didn’t say anything save to smoke in the comer.在会上他什么都没说,只躲在角落里抽烟。He never did anything save read newspapers.他只管看报,什么都不做。6.than(1)than后面作宾语的不定式(短语)一般要带to。如:You ought to know better than to do such things.你不该干这些事。Nothing pleased my mother more than to be told how good her dishes.使妈妈高兴的事莫过于夸她做的饭菜香。To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation.--Socrates勤学好问,追求真理,修身洁行,这比追求金钱、贪图地位、争夺名声要好得多。——苏格拉底(2)than前有do/does/did/done时,或在(would{had)sooner…than.(would}had)rather…than后的不定式(短语)不带to。如:We have nothing to do than test against.除了再试一遍之外,我没有别的办法。The hero would sooner be killed than rum against his country.那位英雄宁愿被杀,也不肯背叛自己的祖国。She would/had rather resign than work under the boss.她宁可辞职也不愿在那个老板手下工作。另外,某些介词后.q-g.带连接代词或连接副词的不定式(短语),这些介词或单独出现或与其它词构成短语。如:Then there is the problem of what courses to offer.下面就是开些什么课程的问题。We aiSO had a discussion about what investment to make.我们还讨论了应做哪些投资。They exchanged their views on the questions ofwhom to elect.他们就选举谁的问题交换了意见。The meeting centered on how to protect the environment.会议的中心议题是如何保护环境。(通讯地址:河南郑州市煤仓北路凤和日丽家园7—2—402信箱)勰瓣词汇荚译能源energy resources;energy资源natural resources;resources水电hydroelectric power;hydropower核能nuclear energy安徽葛新星∥夕干/湿天然气dry/wet gas液化天然气liquefied natural gas石油气petroleum gas液化石油气liquefied petroleum gas坊中学)盛
文章来源:《能源与节能》 网址: http://www.nyyjnzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0731/432.html
上一篇:2008中国关键词 奥运、能源